Nmpk tu..siap ade Grade 5 wagyu tuuu..
Tapi kami tadela amek yg dasat2. Cume ini..
Ribena laici (gelas besar giler dgn laici separuh gelas!)
dan ini..
Nasik goreng ketam (softcrab + udang besar)
dan ini..
penah makan cheese naan cm piza hut ni x?
Fuh!! sendat perutku!
Hari ni plak, kul 10 pg my BFF dh jemput me kt fakulti (my BFF and me dah ikut aliran masing2 after skolah, agak terpisah..tp time birthday wajib kami together2 aa..). Kami ke mane? huhuhu...
with my dearie Munirah
She and meja yg masih kemas before makan..hee..
Hers on the left, mine on the rite..
Tp kami xblh lama..keje memanggil2 di fakulti. Lepas hugs and muah2, terpakse la kami berpisah lagi..sob..sob..
Malam pula ade celebration (oleh ahli my lab) dibuat di rumah our beloved lab manager (Pn Rodiah). Today kami celebrate birthday 3 of us (lab manager, me, and another labmate). Majlis start kul 8 mlm. So after maghrib, siap2kan anak and masuk kete nk gerak. Dalam kete suddenly my hubby hulur sesuatu and said "happy birthday sayang". Ooooo...he is so syuweeettttt! Me dah terapung2 gembira sambil buka hadiah. Dan tiba2 lagi he said "sayang, tolong betulkan tepi tu" sambil menunjuk ke arah pintu kereta. Dlm gelap kte terintai2 la ape yg hubby suruh betulkan? Tingkap? dah tutup. Pintu? dah rapat dah...ape lagi yg nak dibetulkan yek? punye la mengagau kt pintu tu when suddenly I saw sumthing...
No wonder la dia balik lewat today. Katenye ade extra work..rupe2nye dia da plan the suprise for me + very beautiful present..I LOVE U so much dear hubby..
Hmm..when i first know him, he was a shy and a bit lurus bendul man. But since we get married, I found books and PDF files like '31 ciri suami idaman', and 'tackel hati isteri' and many more at home and in PC..sgt terharu that he takes the afford and learns all those things - when I'm actually already so happy and feel complete when I'm with him..syukur ke hadratMu Ya Rabb atas kurniaan seorg suami yg telah menyempurnakan hari2ku..(",).
So, berbalik pd celebration tadi..byk btl mknn! Mmg enjoy abes la! Majlis kami juga diserikan lagi dgn kehadiran Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik (TNCA) UPM, Prof Aini Ideris..huhuhu..
Byk makanan oo...tu baru 1 meja. Ade bebrape meja lg mknn..
Cakes for us!
Special pose for my hubby - zombie kampung pisang!
aii..berakhir dah hari ni yg sgt menggembirakan...(",)
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